Monday, June 16, 2008

webtech testing and debugging procedure

Hey folks,

I am currently in the mist of developing us procedures and steps that need to be accomplished once a developer has, what they believes is "pretty much" done.

This document can be found on our server in Maintenance Clients\W\Webtech\Testing Pro\

If everybody could have a review of what i have put in there and add to it at the bottom like Keith has already done that would be wonderful.

The idea that i have for the final draft is all the information that is in the document will be created into an online form that the tester will fill out and will generate a report that they print off.

Give me any type of information that you would find helpful.


1 comment:

chris said...

Thanks JR for taking this on.

Other than the elements in the document on the server my recommnedation is to have a meeting where code, graphics, IA, copy sit and review the site with the persona and property objectives in mind. From this standpoint, all individuals in a group setting make recommendations and defend them.


Next step I believe is to do this, perhaps for Waterton.
